Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 13, 2008

So yeah, I installed this Windows Live Writer because I love to write, but am too lazy to write it down. And I find it easy to do it on here. Also, most of the time when I feel like writing, it's when I'm on the computer. So I just open up Windows Live Writer and type away! I know most people who blog like this are college people, but I love to write, honestly!!

Now time for the real entry begin! :D

I started high school like two weeks ago and I kind of like it and I kind of don't like it.. I kind of like it because, hey it's high school! I'm no longer considered a kid. Well.. Not really.. It depends on how you present yourself I guess. But yeah. I always loved being in new places. Another reason why I like going to my new high school is because no one knows me there and I can start fresh without anyone knowing any of my faults from the past. But I guess there are as many things why I like my new high school as much as I don't really like high school. One of the reasons why I don't like high school is because I'm not that very social when meeting new people. I want to make many friends, believe me. Aside from my family, my friends also keep me sane. When I want to make friends, I want that person to go up to me first and converse with me. But the MAIN reason why I kind of dislike high school is getting lost or going into the wrong classroom.. Last Friday, I think, was better than all the other days. That day, I actually talked to someone! Her name was Samantha. I've seen in her my other classes, but I never really talked to her. She likes to either be called Samantha or Sammie. Just not Sam because it reminds her of a dog and a guy. That makes sense.

I guess that's all for now. I probably might post up more later. :D

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