Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pick Up The Phone!

For the last year, we've been sending money to the Kristin Brooks Hope Center, which is also known as Hopeline and 1-800-SUICIDE. It's been far from a one-sided relationship. These guys have helped us provide suicide prevention training to our entire team, including all of our volunteers. They have shared everything from ideas and information to struggles and dreams, and they've become friends in the process.

Hopeline was founded by Reese Butler in 1998, after he lost his wife Kristin to suicide. Since that time, the Kristin Brooks Hope Center has provided help to nearly three million callers.

Today, 1-800-SUICIDE is in need of some help of it's own.

PICK UP THE PHONE is a campaign partnership between the communities of To Write Love on Her Arms and PostSecret to provide support for the work of the National Hopeline Network and the Kristin Brooks Hope Center (KBHC).

Over the past decade, the Kristin Brooks Hope Center and 1-800-SUICIDE have helped thousands of people through the Hopeline network. With your support and with the support of TWLOHA and PostSecret, they will be able to continue to provide this assistance, along with the comfort of complete confidentiality.

As a result of the many calls that 1-800-SUICIDE receives every day, and because of a delay in government funding, Hopeline is struggling to pay their phone bill. If this bill is not paid, the government will be allowed to fully take control of 1-800-SUICIDE. Part of what makes Hopeline such a powerful resource is that the calls placed to this number are completely private and confidential. We believe that the responsibility for providing a private and confidential environment in which to find help should remain in the hands of those who had the heart and compassion to begin this work ten years ago.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Joined the TWLOHA Street Team?!

So yeah, yesterday I joined this To Write Love On Her Arms Street Team o-o. It seems pretty cool cuz I get to experience hands-on marketing and promotions experience. Plus they said I get a chance to go and meet famous people like Hayley Williams at concerts. Haha xD But yeah another reason why I joined is cuz I, too, wanna help those who are like troubled and shit. Our mission statement is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. If anyone wants to join, comment me and I can give you information o-o. But I doubt anyone besides ATEH and LEILA are reading this. LMAOO xD. But enough about that. Today at school, I think, was a lot better than last week. Mom said that I'm going to have a good week this week cuz I gave some homeless people some money after eating dinner at the city. I don't know why, but I felt really bad for them and yeah D: Pobre.. Oh yes, I did make friends, by the way. :D Yay for the win! So I guess that's it for now.. :D Oh and this is for you ateh. SYALIYALIYALI

Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 13, 2008

So yeah, I installed this Windows Live Writer because I love to write, but am too lazy to write it down. And I find it easy to do it on here. Also, most of the time when I feel like writing, it's when I'm on the computer. So I just open up Windows Live Writer and type away! I know most people who blog like this are college people, but I love to write, honestly!!

Now time for the real entry begin! :D

I started high school like two weeks ago and I kind of like it and I kind of don't like it.. I kind of like it because, hey it's high school! I'm no longer considered a kid. Well.. Not really.. It depends on how you present yourself I guess. But yeah. I always loved being in new places. Another reason why I like going to my new high school is because no one knows me there and I can start fresh without anyone knowing any of my faults from the past. But I guess there are as many things why I like my new high school as much as I don't really like high school. One of the reasons why I don't like high school is because I'm not that very social when meeting new people. I want to make many friends, believe me. Aside from my family, my friends also keep me sane. When I want to make friends, I want that person to go up to me first and converse with me. But the MAIN reason why I kind of dislike high school is getting lost or going into the wrong classroom.. Last Friday, I think, was better than all the other days. That day, I actually talked to someone! Her name was Samantha. I've seen in her my other classes, but I never really talked to her. She likes to either be called Samantha or Sammie. Just not Sam because it reminds her of a dog and a guy. That makes sense.

I guess that's all for now. I probably might post up more later. :D